Local charity bins

The City places bins at waste and recycling centres that local charities can use to obtain suitable items for their charity shops.

Find a waste and recycling centre

There are a number of local charity op shops on the Gold Coast that sell second-hand clothes and other items to raise funds for their charitable activities. Many accept clean, good quality items for resale or to give to people in need. Find locations of these stores using the links in the list below.

The City supports these local charities by placing charity bins at all of our waste and recycling centres for collection of reusable clothing and goods. Among the charities we support are the:

Does your charitable organisation accept unwanted second-hand items for reuse/resale?

If we have missed you on the list above, then please call us on 07 5667 5976 to add your organisation to this page or find out information to place a bin at one of our centres.