Water & sewerage

Water supply

No water? Find out if there are any planned or unplanned water outages in your area:

Today's water and sewerage alerts

To report a water leak on public land that isn't listed on our alerts page visit Report a problem.

Learn about the water supply on the Gold Coast including:

  • how to check for leaks, or report major water leaks on roads and public land
  • water pressure
  • how to locate and read your water meter.

Visit Water supply

Water & sewerage connections

If you are developing property or undertaking renovations on an existing structure, you may need to connect to our water and sewerage network.

Find information and resources on how to do this – visit Water & sewerage connections

Managing our water & sewerage

Find out about:

  • our role in delivering water to the Gold Coast
  • the sewerage treatment process
  • how we treat and monitor the quality of recycled water at our sewage treatment plants.

Visit Managing our water & sewerage


Sewerage systems which become blocked or overflow due to incorrect connections can cause harm to our natural environment and be costly to repair. Identify common problems and maintain the health of your systems.

Learn about:

Recycled water

Recycled water is safe for humans and the environment when used correctly. It is produced by treating sewage in sewage treatment plants to strict health and environmental standards.

Recycled water is available to approved customers.

Find out more, visit Recycled water

Water quality

The Gold Coast enjoys some of the highest quality water in Australia. Learn about our water quality testing methods and how to identify issues with water quality. Engage our scientific testing services and learn more about our Choose Tap program.

Visit Water quality

Your water bill

To find out when to expect your next water bill, how to read your water and sewerage rate notice and what the charges cover, visit My water bill.

For enquiries phone 1300 000 928 or 07 5667 5801. All water enquiries and payments are supported across the Gold Coast at our customer service centres.

Pay your water bill


Alternatively, you can use one of our other payment methods.