Managing our water and sewerage
Our role in delivering water and sewerage services
We provide water supply and sewerage services to over 600,000 people and over 10,000 businesses on the Gold Coast. Our Water and Sewerage Customer Service Standards and Charter states our service commitments and customers' rights.
Water and Sewerage Customer Service Standards and Charter(PDF, 428KB)
Water supply
While we are the city's water provider, the State Government owns bulk water supplies in the region. We buy bulk water from Seqwater which is mostly harvested from the State-owned Hinze Dam and Little Nerang Dam catchments. Seqwater treats the water and ensures it meets the stringent standards set by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines before supplying it to us. We also regularly test drinking water to ensure it is meeting quality standards.
The State Government sets the wholesale price that we pay for water, which is passed on to our customers.
Sewerage service
We are responsible for treating sewage. Sewage is transferred to one of four treatment plants, which produce recycled water for the irrigation of sports fields and other uses. Excess recycled water is released into the Seaway.
This diagram demonstrates our role in the water supply and sewage treatment process.
Our role in delivering water to the Gold Coast(PDF, 274KB)
Sewage treatment process
The collection, treatment and disposal of sewage is an integral part of the city's water cycle.
Millions of litres of sewage are treated every day. Biosolids and contaminated water (effluent) are separated. Biosolids are processed to remove contaminants and transferred to farms to be used as fertiliser for non-food crops. Effluent is treated with chlorine to kill bacteria, virus and other organisms that can cause disease. The treated water either enters our recycled water distribution system or is released into the Seaway every day on the outgoing tide. The release of recycled water is in line with strict state government health and environmental standards.
Up to 20% is recycled water is used for a variety of approved uses such as irrigation of golf course, public parks and plant nurseries and the excess is safely released.
This diagram illustrates the sewage treatment process
Sewage treatment process(PDF, 167KB)
Recycled water
Our recycled water is used by the City and commercial users for a range of uses. Commercial industries can apply to access recycled water via either a connection to a fixed recycled water main or via access to one of our automated recycled water carrier filling stations. For more information, visit Recycled water