Bin collection days, times or weeks are changing from 17 March. View your new schedule.
Some online services and payment options may be unavailable during this time. If services are unavailable, please try again later. We apologise for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Learn how we manage and treat sewage and recycled water and how to identify common problems in your sewerage system. We also provide advice about how to manage the approval, monitoring and reporting process for trade waste.
Learn how to prevent a sewer blockage. Find out what you can put down toilets, sinks and drains and how to safely dispose different kinds of waste.
Sewerage systems that become blocked may cause sewage spills that can be costly to repair. Identify common problems and maintain the health of your systems.
Sewerage systems with too much stormwater entering the network can become overwhelmed and cause diluted sewage to overflow. Find ways to help prevent overflows.
Property owners, their agents and operators who generate wastewater from a business activity require trade waste approval to discharge trade waste to the sewer.