Water meter specifications

The City has introduced a new process for capturing water meter details.

The online Meter details form must be completed for all new meter installations, disconnections or alterations, including sub meters and sub-divisional meters. Handwritten forms will no longer be accepted.

Contact Inspections@goldcoast.qld.gov.au for help.

The Metering Technical Specifications detail the City’s metering and sub-metering technical requirements, as found in the Water and Sewerage Connections Policy.

Download the Metering technical specifications(PDF, 728KB)

Master meter installations require an Application to work on the City’s infrastructure.

Sub-meters proposed for a development require a plumbing application

Meter details

The Water Meter Details form records new meter installations, disconnections, or alterations, including sub-meters and sub-divisional meters.

Submit your details

  1. Download meter details spread sheet
    Water meter details(XLSX, 49KB)
  2. Complete meter details spread sheet
  3. Access water meter details form, compete and upload meter details spread sheet.

Submit water meter details form

Automatic meter reading commissioning checklist

Use this form when commissioning a new automatic meter reading (AMR) system or making changes to an existing AMR.

Submit AMR checklist

  1. Download and complete AMR commissioning checklist
    AMR commissioning checklist(PDF, 114KB)
  2. Submit completed checklist via email to mail@goldcoast.qld.gov.au

Water meter standard drawings

These attached drawing documents set out our metering and sub-metering technical requirements. They are a useful reference when arranging to connect to our water and sewerage network.

For assistance with working with the City's water and sewerage network, call 1300 000 928.