Chevron Island fishing platform

We've put together some helpful tips so you can make the most of this fishing platform in Korman Family Park.

Platform location

This platform is in Korman Family Park, 183 Stanhill Drive, Chevron Island – just downstream (north) of the western Chevron Island bridge.

Find on Google maps.

Comfort features

For your comfort, this platform has seating and a shade sail.

Good catches

What are you likely to catch? Prepare and keep your eye out for:

  • Whiting (during the summer months)
  • Bream
  • Flathead

Best baits

Make the most of it with yabbies, herrings, and bloodworms. Schools of small shrimp and prawns school up along the rocks beside the platform. This allows you to gather a bucketful of bait with small scoop nets. Try a few of these small shrimps or prawns on a small size six hook. Casting them out into the channel generally gets the good catches.

Best tides

Last of the run in and during the run out.

Best gear

A light eight-foot estuary outfit matched up with two-kilogram to four-kilogram line.

Care for our waterways

You can help protect our waterways and fish stocks, by doing a few simple things:

  1. Dispose of all rubbish, bait bags and tangled fishing lines thoughtfully.
  2. Practice catch and release, or only keep the fish that you need.
  3. Observe bag limits
  4. Reporting any sightings of noxious fish (such as tilapia, carp and gambusia) to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.