Yatala fishing platform
Albert and Logan River area fishing restrictions in place from December 2016
An outbreak of white spot disease (WSD) in wild prawns from the Logan River has been confirmed by Biosecurity Queensland. As a result, restrictions have been placed on the Albert and Logan River areas with regards to the commercial and recreational take of crustaceans and marine worms from these areas.
For more information about WSD and details of the fishing closure, including a map, visit the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website.
Throw a line in the Albert River! We've put together some helpful tips so you can make the most of it.
The Yatala fishing platform is located within the Albert River Parklands. It is underneath the M1 bridge crossing of the Albert River at Yatala. This timber platform is just upstream of the M1 bridge and just downstream of the railway bridge. You can cast near the eddies formed by the bridge piers. These eddies are enjoyed by fish who are tired of fighting the current in the main river. They sit in the eddy behind the pier and just wait for their food (or a hook) to come past in the current.
Platform location
Old Pacific Highway, Yatala.
Find on Google maps.
Good catches
What are you likely to catch? Prepare and keep your eye out for:
- Bream
- Mud crabs
- Flathead
- Whiting, mangrove jack and shark (during summer nights)
- Trevally (early hours of the morning)
Best baits
Make the most of it with yabbies, prawns and mud worms.
Best tides
Last of the run up and during the run out of the tide.
Best gear
A light, estuary outfit matched up with two-kilogram to four-kilogram line.
Care for our waterways
You can help protect our waterways and fish stocks, by doing a few simple things:
- Dispose of all rubbish, bait bags and tangled fishing lines thoughtfully.
- Practice catch and release, or only keep the fish that you need.
- Observe bag limits.
- Reporting any sightings of noxious fish (such as tilapia, carp and gambusia) to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.