Books & audio

Browse our wide variety of eBooks and eAudiobooks to read on your computer or mobile device.

Resource Description Access / Download
Libby-Logo Libby, by OverDrive

Choose from thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks to download to your computer, phone, tablet, eReader or portable device. Overdrive has moved to the Libby app, you can download this for free through your app store.

Google Play
iTunes Store


Borrow Box logo BorrowBox

Use the app or download eBooks and eAudiobooks to your PC and transfer directly to your portable device. Lots of Australian content for both adults and children.

Google Play
iTunes Store


If you're accessing these resources outside a library, have your member number and password handy.
These products contain material which is unclassified, including content only suitable for mature audiences.
The supervision of children under the age of 18 accessing library material is the responsibility of parents and caregivers.