Keep wildlife safe
Our native animals are at risk from habitat degradation, backyard hazards and predation, pest and invasive animals.
Reduce habitat degradation
Many causes of habitat degradation start in our backyards. You can help protect our natural environment in both urban areas and bushland by learning how to:
- Control pest plants and weeds – many environmental weed species spread from backyards. Environmental weeds are the second biggest threat to our natural environment after land clearing. They degrade our natural areas and reduce access to and enjoyment of waterways, beaches and bushland.
- Reduce water pollution – every time it rains, litter, oils, detergents, paints, fertilisers, grass cuttings, animal wastes and soil can be washed directly into the stormwater system that empties into our waterways.
- Prevent the spread of aquatic pests and weeds – aquatic plants and fish can escape from ponds during heavy rain and fishing with live bait can spread aquatic diseases.
Manage backyard threats
Wildlife can wander into your backyard. You can help keep them safe from:
- Swimming pools: some native animals can drown in uncovered swimming pools. Install an exclusion fence (for example, transparent glass or Perspex) and provide a safety rope attached to a float or plank for them to climb out.
- Pets: domestic dogs and cats are introduced predators. To learn how to be a responsible pet owner, visit our ownership requirements page. To protect local wildlife, provide a secure fence or enclosure and keep your pet indoors at night. Did you know there are specific requirements under local law for dog owners who live in a koala area. To find out more, go to Help save koalas.
- Barbed wire and electric fences: these fences can injure microbats, flying foxes, birds, gliders and other mainly nocturnal animals. To learn how to provide safe effective fencing for wildlife and livestock, visit the Wildlife friendly fencing project.
For more information on what to do if you encounter a native animal that needs assistance or has become a nuisance, visit our Wildlife page.
Feeding wildlife
It's tempting to feed native birds and animals that come into our backyards, but it can cause wildlife health problems or even death.
A better way to encourage wildlife is to plant native food trees and install nest boxes and other habitat features where animals can find foraging sites, protection and shelter. Find out how to attract birds the no-nuisance way.
Reduce predation
Wild dogs, foxes and feral cats pray on our wildlife. If you have bushland property or your home is close to bushland, you can help reduce predation.
- Report invasive animal sightings and impacts such as dead and injured wildlife by:
- completing our online form via Report a problem – Pest animals
- calling us on 07 5629 5629 or 1300 GOLDCOAST (1300 465 326).
- Learn how to identify the presence of wild dogs, foxes and cats on your property through sand plots and trail cameras.
- Join with neighbours to participate in coordinated invasive animal management programs.
To learn more about pest animals and how to manage them go to