Lodge a submission to have your say on a development application

Have your say on a development application

Lodge a submission

Any member of the public can submit their comments to the City of Gold Coast Council to support or object to a development application. These comments are referred to as ‘submissions’ and the person making the submission is referred to as the ‘submitter’.

Submissions are not confidential. As required by Planning Act 2016, all submissions will be published in their entirety on Council's PD Online with details such as name and address viewable.

Find details of the development application

Before preparing your submission review the development application and plans.

Use PD Online to view details of the development application including:

  • application documents (e.g. town planning report, plans, information request and response, and other supporting material)
  • current status
  • closing date for submissions.

All development applications can be viewed by any person online.

How to make a 'properly made' submission

Submissions can be made on developments that are impact assessable and for variation requests. They may usually:

  • be complex developments
  • impact the community
  • be potentially unsuitable for an area.

An assessment manager considers all submissions when assessing a development application. Once we consider all submissions and the application is decided, a copy of the decision must be sent to each properly made submitter.

Only properly made submissions create a legal right to appeal the decision through the Planning and Environment Court.

A properly made submission must:

  • be in writing (includes electronic)
  • be made to the assessment manager
  • be signed by each person who made the submission, unless it is made electronically
  • state the name and residential or business address of each person who made the submission
  • state one postal or electronic address relating to the submission for all submission-makers
  • state grounds, and the facts and circumstances relied on to support the grounds
  • be made to the entity prescribed by the Planning Act 2016 during the fixed public notification period.

For assistance regarding the public notification period or lodging a submission please contact Planning Administration on 07 5582 8866.

Submissions to object or support a development application are not confidential. As required by the Planning Act 2016, all submissions will be published in their entirety on Council's PD Online with details such as name and address viewable.

Grounds for submission

A submission is a written objection or supporting comment about a development application. Any member of the community (a person, group or organisation) can make a submission.

Stating grounds for a submission are mandatory and should focus on planning, environment and/or transport issues such as:

  • whether the proposed use is consistent with the intent for the area as expressed in the planning scheme
  • whether the scale and design of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development
  • how the development addresses the street and interfaces with adjoining properties
  • any potential traffic and car parking issues associated with the development
  • hours of operation (for commercial activities)
  • how the development may impact on drainage patterns in the area
  • how the development fits with any objective of the planning scheme to protect and enhance the natural environment.

For more information on making a submission and appeal rights, visit the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning website.


Online is the City’s preferred method of lodging submissions.

Step 1.Prepare your submission

Prepare your submission according to the requirements set out in 'How to make a 'properly made' submission' in the section above.

Please note: There are mandatory requirements to lodge a properly made submission online. You must select either support or object to the development application and state your planning grounds (planning, environment, transport issues) in your submission.

Step 2.Submit your submission online

Lodge a submission


Online is the City’s preferred method of lodging submissions.

Step 1.Prepare your submission

Prepare your submission according to the requirements set out in 'How to make a 'properly made' submission' in the section above.

Please note: There are mandatory requirements to lodge a properly made submission. You must state either your support or object to the development application and your planning grounds (planning, environment, transport issues) in your submission.

Step 2.Complete your submission

Send us your completed submission via email to: mail@goldcoast.qld.gov.au

You may wish to download and complete the form Lodge a submission to have your say on a development application(PDF, 375KB)